Thursday 16 September 2010

Finished Canvas

I am really pleased with the finished piece and fortunately so are my clients. I used grey thread to imitate the strings of the guitar, keeping my embroidery background present in my other works. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed painting and I plan to make more ready-to-buy canvases soon.

Monday 13 September 2010

A Long Overdue Update...

I have neglected my blog over the last few months, however I have resumed my creativity and thought it was about time to share it.
I received a commission for a painted canvas, specifically for their music room with a guitar image and sunburst and using three colours of wood brown, white and black. I haven't painted for such a long time and, having started the piece, it has really made a change from my university style of work. This image is a second sketch idea of what I envision the final canvas to look like.